FIA approves revised 2012 Formula 1 calendar

Following a fax vote by its members, the World Motor Sport Council has ratified, by unanimous decision, the revised calendar of the 2012 Formula 1 World Championship.

The calendar was been trimmed back from 21 to 20 Grands Prix.

The season will begin March 18 in Australia and finish November 25 in Brazil. The Turkish Grand Prix has been dropped. However, the Grand Prix of Bahrain returns to the calendar, and is scheduled to be held April 22.

The US Grand Prix has been moved later in the season, when temperatures should be lower.

On a final note, there are six back-to-back races: Australia and Malaysia, China and Bahrain, Germany and Hungary, Belgium and Italy, Japan and Korea and finally United States and Brazil.

The 2012 FIA Formula One World Championship calendar is confirmed as follows:

18 March AUS Australia

25 March MYS Malaysia

15 April CHN China

22 April BAH Bahrain

13 May ESP Spain

27 May MCO Monaco

10 June CAN Canada

24 June EUR Europe (Valencia)

08 July GBR Great Britain

22 July DEU Germany (Hockenheim)

29 July HUN Hungary

02 September BEL Belgium

09 September ITA Italy

23 September SGP Singapore

07 October JPN Japan

14 October KOR Korea

28 October IND India

04 November ARE Abu Dhabi

18 November USA United States

25 November BRA Brazil

Source: Auto123

Alonso dreams of Newey designed Ferrari

Fernando Alonso has stated that he would welcome Sebastian Vettel to his Ferrari team provided the world champion brought along design guru Adrian Newey who has been responsible for penning some of the successful race cars in Formula 1 history, including the currently dominant Red Bull RB7.

Immediately after the Belgian GP, where Red Bull scored a 1-2, Alonso acknowledged, “At the moment, we must congratulate our opponents, who are doing a fantastic job.”

The Spaniard told AutoBild, “Adrian Newey is certainly the man for the decisive success.”

“My dream is to win for Ferrari. I’m sure a lot of engineers want to work for Ferrari, Newey could thus come to Ferrari,” said the Spaniard who won two world titles with Renault.

“Many drivers want to race for Ferrari, Sebastian [Vettel] is definitely welcome,” added Alonso. “If you’ve not driven for Ferrari, your career is incomplete.”

Alonso trails Vettel in the championship points standing by 102 points with seven grands prix left to run this season.

Source: YallaF1

Kimi's Column: Just cruisin’

Kimi Rally Germany review

Well, it was a rally just to cruise around. We’ve got position six and, obviously, some nice points. But it doesn’t change anything. I have no reason to be satisfied with my driving in this first WRC rally on tarmac this year.

It was our very first tarmac rally with this car. There were a few things to try. Obviously, we hoped to have dry weather, while we had not tested a single mile in the rain.

But, everything went wrong. We didn’t get it right since the beginning of the rally. There were some dark clouds coming while we started the rally, but we had to take the harder tyre while there was no data from the other options.

First special stage was still dry, but we had a spin in the third corner. After that I struggled to find the right rhytm to my driving. Then the next stage was fully wet, puddles all over the place. Then it was just a case of slipping and sliding – like the others with wrong choice of tyres in the car.

In the afternoon the roads were dry, but once we went wide and hit the fence. It was that heavy shunt, but enough to bend the door. We had to stop. I had to untie my belt and then try to shut the door. It was not possible to shut it properly, so, obviously, I had to keep it closed, but in every corner, it opened widely.

It was not nice, I can tell you now.

Then we improved on Saturday. The long stages in army area went better and better. We managed to climb a few places. But, all in all, I never had as good feeling as I had in Rally Finland for the last day.

Just a few stages went ok. But there were so many that didn’t go that well. That’s why I cannot be satisfied with this rally. At least we finished and got P6. That’s never too bad a result.

Obviously, there were a lot of punctures. We got our share of it. Obviously, we didn’t loose places because of it, but it was the most annoying moment, while the tyre got a puncture in the beginning of the power stage on Sunday.

Now we have had six rallies, finished every time and got points. I feel we have advanced since last year quite nicely. Hopefully we got some good rallies more this year. The next challenge for us is to improve in France from last year’s perfomance.


Courtesy: _TaniaS_

Danilo Godoy se desfilia do PSDB e recebe convite da cúpula estadual do PP

Diretoria local do PSDB afirma estar "surpresa e decepcionada", e vai querer a cadeira na Câmara

Na tarde desta quarta-feira (31), o vereador Danilo Godoy foi o primeiro a trocar de partido, visando as eleições municipais de 2012. Na manhã de quarta, por volta das 10h30, o vereador conversou com a diretoria local do PSDB e pediu sua desfiliação; à tarde, em entrevista coletiva que contou com a presença da deputada federal Aline Corrêa (PP-SP), do vereador Zeca Gonçalves (PV) e membros da imprensa da região, foi divulgado um convite do PP de SP para que Godoy seja filiado.
"Minha saída do PSDB foi amigável, não ficam ressentimentos e meu objetivo é conquistar ainda mais espaço. Política, pra mim, se trata de ter seu próprio espaço, poder fazer o que você planeja, e é isso que desejo", explica Godoy. Danilo não escondeu seu desejo de tentar a candidatura a prefeito. "Está sim nos meus planos tentar ser candidato a prefeito de SB, este foi um dos motivos mais importantes para esta minha decisão", afirma.
"A cúpula do partido no Estado vê com bons olhos a atuação de Danilo em SB, ele é um vereador e tem representatividade. Foi feito o convite para diálogos com a atual diretoria do PP aqui na cidade, mas eles preferiram a desfiliação [15 membros da alta cúpula do PP-SB desfiliaram-se também na tarde desta quarta], mas nossos esforços continuam", disse a deputada federal Aline Corrêa (PP-SP).
Nesta mesma tarde, o atual presidente do PP local, Ditinho Ferreira, fez duras críticas à possível ida de Godoy para o partido. O ex-tucano rebateu as declarações de Ferreira. "É uma pena que ele tenha dito isso desta forma, pois os convidamos para o diálogo, mas não houve aceno algum. Eu só respondo que quem fica engessado na política para no tempo, e que estou fazendo isso porque quero aprender, quero crescer. E as pessoas aprendem que é mais importante ouvir, prefiro ouvir e aprender do que ficar falando por aí", disse.


Enquanto Danilo afirma que sua saída do PSDB foi amigável, o partido não partilha desta opinião. "O PSDB tinha em Danilo uma figura importante, e a comunicação de seu pedido de saída nos pegou de surpresa. Ficamos tristes e decepcionados com a decisão de Danilo Godoy", diz o dirigente do PSDB-SB, Joel José Pinto de Oliveira. "Danilo estava conosco desde 2007, e é triste que ele tenha tomado esta decisão", diz.
"O Danilo sabe qual é o código de ética do partido, e tem consciência que vamos querer a cadeira que ele ocupa atualmente como vereador. A cadeira não pertence a vereador algum, a cadeira pertence ao partido", declara Joel. Quem deve assumir é o primeiro suplente tucano, Gustavo Bagnoli Gonçalves.
Ao fim, o dirigente do PSDB falou sobre a liderança do partido na Câmara. "A escolha do líder do PSDB na Câmara sempre ficou a cargo dos próprios vereadores, então esperamos que Juca Bortolucci e Laerte Silva dialoguem e decidam o melhor para todos", finaliza.

Kassab veta Dia do Orgulho Hétero e diz que projeto é inconstitucional

O prefeito de São Paulo, Gilberto Kassab, vetou o projeto de lei 294/2005, do vereador Carlos Apolinário (DEM), aprovado em 2 de agosto pela Câmara Municipal de São Paulo, que instituiu na cidade o Dia do Orgulho Heterossexual. Nas razões de veto encaminhadas ao presidente da Câmara Municipal de São Paulo, José Police Neto, Kassab afirmou que o projeto de lei é "materialmente inconstitucional e ilegal, bem como contraria o interesse público."
Kassab afirma no texto que a ideia de comemorar o Dia do Orgulho Heterossexual e associar a prática à defesa da moral e dos bons costumes significa dizer, por via contrária, que a homossexualidade seria contra a moral e os bons costumes.
"Não é necessário fazer grande esforço interpretativo para ler, nas entrelinhas do pretendido preceito, que apenas e tão só a heterossexualidade deve ser associada à moral e aos bons costumes, indicando, ao revés, que a homossexualidade seria avessa a essa moral e a esses bons costumes", diz o texto.
O veto também diz que o texto da “justificativa” que acompanhou o projeto de lei por ocasião de sua apresentação descreve, em vários trechos, condutas atribuídas aos homossexuais, todas impregnadas de sentimentos de intolerância com conotação homofóbica."
Segundo Kassab, "o projeto parece tão somente instituir e acrescentar mais uma data comemorativa ao calendário de eventos da cidade de São Paulo, o que seria plenamente legítimo, na realidade não se reveste da simplicidade que aparenta ostentar, circunstância que, por certo, explica a sua enorme repercussão, majoritariamente negativa."
Kassab também lembrou que o projeto  vai contra outras iniciativas da Prefeitura de São Paulo, como a criação da Secretaria Municipal de Participação e Parceria; instituição do Conselho Municipal de Atenção à Diversidade Sexual; edição do decreto nº 51.180, dispondo sobre a inclusão e uso do nome social de pessoas travestis e transexuais nos registros municipais relativos a serviços públicos e envio, à Câmara Municipal, do projeto de lei nº 359/07, estabelecendo medidas destinadas ao combate de toda e qualquer forma de discriminação por orientação sexual no município de São Paulo.
"Em face do seu conteúdo discriminatório, efetivamente não se coaduna com as ações governamentais que vêm sendo implementadas no âmbito da administração pública do município de São Paulo, direcionadas ao bem comum e à paz social."

"A gente chora de emoção", diz Jaqueline um dia após ser absolvida

Um dia após se livrar da perda de mandato na Câmara dos Deputados, a deputada Jaqueline Roriz (PMN-DF) disse que ficou emocionada com sua absolvição nesta terça-feira (30) pelo plenário da Casa. "A gente chora de emoção", disse, em rápida conversa com jornalistas nesta quarta.
Ela ainda afirmou que saiu do plenário minutos antes do resultado da votação porque "não estava se sentindo bem" e que foi direto para casa. Nesta terça (30), o plenário da Câmara absolveu a deputada por 265 votos contra 166 e 20 abstenções.
Questionada sobre a denúncia apresentada contra ela por peculato pelo Ministério Público ao Supremo Tribunal Federal na semana passada, ela disse que o procurador-geral da República, Roberto Gurgel, "enviou uma informação que não existe" à Corte.
A deputada foi flagrada em 2006 recebendo dinheiro do delator do mensalão do DEM em 2006. O vídeo foi revelado em março deste ano e motivou a abertura de processo de cassação na Câmara por quebra de decoro parlamentar.
Na denúncia, Gurgel acusa a deputada de usar servidor - no caso, o próprio Durval, então secretário do Distrito Federal - para desvio de dinheiro público. Ela alega que não tinha cargo público à época.

FAB reinicia buscas por helicóptero desaparecido

A FAB (Força Aérea Brasileira) reiniciou às 15h desta quarta-feira (31) as buscas aéreas pelo helicóptero desaparecido depois de sair do aeroporto dos Amarais, em Campinas, na terça-feira. Os trabalhos foram interrompidos pela manhã por causa do mau tempo na Serra do Mar, próximo ao Guarujá, onde deveria pousar a aeronave.
O piloto do helicóptero modelo Robinson 44, com prefixo PP-CLE, é o empresário André Martins, proprietário da loja de carros André Veículos, que fica na Avenida Norte-Sul, em Campinas. Outros dois homens também estavam na aeronave.
Segundo a FAB, o helicóptero decolou às 8h de terça-feira e tinha como destino final Angra dos Reis (RJ). O último contato foi feito entre 10h e 10h15, quando a aeronave sobrevoava a cidade de Mauá.
Segundo uma pessoa da família, a operadora dos celulares das vítimas informou que os aparelhos estão com sinal, mas não foram usados para fazer ligações. As famílias dos desparecidos estão tentando contato com hospitais na região da praia de Boraceia, que seria perto da área do pouso

Campinas em Foco
Faça Valer

Turk's Mystery Picture...

In this picture Im looking at a Kings Crown...can you find it?

Turk's Mystery Picture...

In this picture Im looking at a mouse...can you find it?

Mystery Picture...

In this picture Im looking at a pot with a gold lid...can you find it?

Turk's What The Hell Question!!!

Todays WTHQ - In a recent survey 30% of women said they love _____ on their man ?

We play in about 20 minutes on the air so get your answer ready. If you win I will hook you up with a 50 dollar gift card to the Ecko Shop in Dartmouth

The New Superman

Here's a shot of Henry Cavill as Superman on the set of "Man of Steel" with muscles bulging out of his ridiculously skintight costume.

Spandex is definitely not his kryptonite.

T.I. Rapper Inks Deal for Post-Prison REALITY SHOW

Well, that didn't take long ...

Yes, hours after T.I. was released from prison, VH1 has announced the rapper is signed on for a post-prison reality show ... set to debut in December.

According to VH1, the show will follow T.I. as he "re-adjusts to life as a free man after being incarcerated for nearly a year in a Federal prison in Arkansas."

The show -- which has yet to be given a title -- promises that viewers will get an up-close and personal look as T.I. is "reunited with his wife and kids and thrust back into society at this crucial juncture in his life."

VH1 issued a press release about the show ... which posed the question, "Can the King stay on the straight and narrow while juggling the chaos of his kingdom?"

If he doesn't, T.I. could go back to prison for a long time -- but OH, THE RATINGS ... right?

Turk's Celebrity Guess Them Abs

Can you guess who I am...just by looking at my abs?

Turk's Celebrity Guess Them Abs

Can you guess who I am...just by looking at my abs?

Urkel In The House!

Well what do you know? He is still in the biz?! Good for him!
If you're a child of the 90s, you only know Jaleel White by one name - Urkel. He's been out of the limelight for awhile, but he's landed a pretty sweet gig on one of the biggest shows in primetime.
It's been confirmed that Jaleel will guest star on the season premiere of House as one of the doc's inmates.
Urkel and Hugh Laurie in the clink? Not really the proper place for geeks and geniuses!
Congrats on the role, Jaleel! We're snorting in delight in your honor!

The Hoff FIRED From Britain's Got Talent!

Sorry to break the news to you, Hoff. You've been fired from your job on Britain's Got Talent.
After a dramatic drop in the ratings, the actor has been axed from the show because he "lacked sparkle" with the other judges, Michael McIntyre and Amanda Holden.
An insider says:

"David was a great booking at the time. We thought he'd bring loads of laughs and warmth but it didn't work out. He was fun but had no connection with the acts. The panel lacked sparkle and it was reflected in the acts that went through."
Another complaint producers had was that The Hoff had difficulty understanding contestants' accents, which made things awkward. And it looks like the rest of the judges are on the chopping block too as the insider adds, "ITV want a new panel as it didn't work this year. Most acts were below par and the chemistry just wasn't there."
Sorry to see you go, Hoff, but it looks like it just wasn't the right fit.

Pregnant Man Blames Chaz Bono For Not Being Cast On DWTS

Don't be a sore loser!
Thomas Beatie, aka The Pregant Man, says he reached out to Dancing with the Stars casting producers months ago to get a spot on the upcoming season, but never got a call back.
When he heard that Chaz Bono was cast, Beatie was pis-ed. He thinks that Chaz was the reason he didn't get asked to be on the show because they won't want two transgendered men on the same season. He says:

"Chaz Bono stole my thunder. I wanted to try my new body out. I’m an athlete and I know I would have excelled."
We wish we could watch the two of you dance on the show, but if not this year, we hope you still try out for next season.

Bruno Mars Sues My Contract Bugs the Hell Out of Me

Bruno Mars is declaring war on his music publisher -- claiming the company refuses to let him out of his contract ... even though he has already delivered on his end of the bargain.

Mars has filed a lawsuit against Bug Music, Inc. -- claiming the company failed to pick up the option on his contract after he delivered an agreed upon number of songs.

In the documents, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, Mars claims he turned in all of his music by  February -- at which point, Bug had a certain amount of time to exercise its option to continue the relationship with Mars.

Bruno claims Bug never got back to him ... so he considered the contract terminated.

According to the docs, the honchos at Bug believe Mars is wrong -- and insist he is still under a contract which gives them 50% of the copyrights of any music Bruno makes.  

Now, Mars says ... he needs a judge to issue a declaration that his contract is in fact over -- so he can move on with his career.

We called Bug for comment -- but they didn't want to talk.

Justin Bieber Minor Car Crash Honda Collides with Ferrari

Justin Bieber and his super-expensive Ferrari are both doing OK after the singer was involved in a minor fender bender in L.A. today ... this according to the LAPD.

According to police, a driver in a Honda collided with a Ferrari driven by Bieber.

Sources on the scene tell TMZ ... the Honda "tapped" Biebs so gently he didn't exchange info with the other driver.

But we're told one of Justin's peeps decided ... better safe than sorry ... and called police -- who showed up and said there wasn't enough damage to even take a report.

The good news is no one was injured. Even better news ... we're told Bieber doesn't own the Ferrari.

TRUE or not so TRUE - Tupac Blunts - Did the Outlawz smoke Tupac in their weed?

Tupac Shakur's mother would "never participate in smoking her son" ... a family spokesperson tells TMZ.

As TMZ previously reported, members of the The Outlawz -- Tupac's former rap group -- released a video for in which they claim they rolled up Pac's ashes with weed and smoked him up at a family memorial event. The rappers claim Pac's mother was present at the time.

But the family spokesperson tells us ... no one in the Shakur family EVER signed off on the Pac puff 'n pass ... especially his mother, Afeni.

The family rep tells us ... the Shakurs simply don't know if there's any truth to the claims made by the Outlawz -- but if they DID smoke Tupac, they "would have had to sneak the remains past the family member in charge of keeping an eye on the ashes at the memorial."

The rep tells us ... no one in the family would ever approve of the act -- but they currently don't plan on pursuing any action against The Outlawz.

Chris Brown Fan Returns $22,000 Rolex At MTV Awards

Chris Brown thought his $22,000 diamond encrusted Rolex was LOST FOREVER when he accidentally tossed it into the crowd at the MTV VMAs ... but lucky for him, he thought wrong.

TMZ has learned ... Brown's watch -- a gold Rolex with a white oyster face and diamond-encrusted bezzle -- came loose at the beginning of his performance ... so he took it off and tried to toss it to a safe place ... all while dancing his face off.

But Brown missed his target and the watch ended up in the crowd.

After the performance, Brown's bodyguard went into the audience and asked if anyone had found the watch -- not really expecting anyone to come forward ... but to his surprise, the watch was in the possession of an HONEST person, who returned it to its rightful owner.

A rep for Brown tells TMZ, "Although Chris did not get to meet the fan, he is very appreciative of the fan's actions."

mystery buyer looking to purchase Kim Kardashian's sex tape needs to muster up at least $30 million if they want a CHANCE

The mystery buyer looking to purchase Kim Kardashian's sex tape needs to muster up at least $30 million if they want a CHANCE at taking it off the market ... TMZ has learned.

We spoke with Vivid Entertainment top banana Steve Hirsch ... who tells us he HAS made contact with the lawyer who's representing the mystery party interested in buying the rights to the sex tape ... and he's open to the possibility of a deal.

Hirsch tells us ... "Based on its long term value, it looks like $30 million would be a starting point for a discussion on all of the rights."

Hirsch adds, "I have no idea who is behind this offer ... but If it's Kim, I have a tremendous amount of respect for her. She has my number and can call me any time."

TRUE or not so TRUE - T.I. is a FREE man!!!

Rapper T.I. has been released from an Arkansas prison -- and is on his way to either a community living facility or home confinement ... TMZ has learned.

T.I. was sentenced to 11 months behind bars after his drug possession arrest on the Sunset Strip back in September 2010 -- an arrest that caused law enforcement officials to revoke his probation stemming from a federal gun conviction back in 2009.

Chris Burke, spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, tells us T.I. was released at 7:29 AM local time ... and is "in transit" to begin the next leg of his sentence. 

T.I. checked into prison on November 1, 2010 -- and he was originally scheduled to be released on September 29.

9:09 AM: T.I.”s attorney, Jonathan Leonard, tells TMZ ... the rapper will serve the remainder of his sentence in a halfway house in Atlanta.

6:50 AM:
T.I. is already back on Twitter -- and just fired off a message saying, "The storm is over & da sun back out. IT'S OUR TIME TO SHINE SHAWTY!!!!! Welcome to the beginning of our Happy Ending!!!!"

He also wrote, "Feels great to be back where I belong...Back in the arms of those who need me the most."

Ex-funcionário confessa ter matado dono de lava-rápido por R$ 90

Michel Oliveira Andrade, de 20 anos, ex-funcionário do lava-rápido onde o comerciante José Antônio Gimenez, de 68 anos, foi morto a golpes de marreta na madrugada da última segunda-feira (29), confessou ser o autor do crime na tarde desta terça-feira (30). Ele também participou na data da reconstituição do assassinato no local, no Centro de Piracicaba. Familiares revoltados tentaram linchar o acusado e deram socos na viatura que o transportou para a cadeia após o fim da cena.
O acusado disse ao delegado da Delegacia de Investigações Gerais (DIG), João Batista Vieira de Camargo, que foi até a casa de Gimenez para cobrar uma dívida de R$ 50 de um serviço que ele teria prestado para a vítima. Segundo a versão de Andrade, o comerciante se negou a pagar e, como ele ficou irritado, desferiu cinco golpes de marreta contra o idoso.

“Ele alegou que Gimenez era mal pagador e disse que foi humilhado quando o cobrou. Depois de matar, ele confessou ter levado R$ 90 do bolso da vítima”, explicou o delegado. Diante da confissão, o crime passa a ser lavrado na polícia como latrocínio (roubo seguido de morte).
A prisão temporária de Andrade foi solicitada pela manhã por Camargo e só foi aceita pela Justiça de Piracicaba durante o processo de reconstituição. O acusado vai permanecer preso por pelo menos 30 dias até que o inquérito seja concluído.
A reconstituição do crime teve início pouco antes das 16h, quando uma equipe de peritos do Instituto de Criminalística (IC) e duas viaturas da Polícia Civil chegaram ao lava-rápido, onde também vivia a vítima. Andrade desceu de uma das viaturas escoltado por policiais.
Ele reproduziu os movimentos desde o momento em que chegou ao local até quando pegou a arma utilizada no crime dentro de uma caixa de ferramentas da própria vítima. Segundo a polícia, depois de matar e pegar o dinheiro no bolso de Gimenez, por volta das 21h, o acusado saiu e, um pouco mais tarde, às 23h, voltou ao lava-rápido para certificar se o aposentado havia morrido.

Quando chegou ao local, entretanto, havia movimentação e o acusado desistiu de entrar novamente na casa. O delegado contou que as imagens cedidas por uma vizinha que reside ao lado do lava-rápido, e que possui uma câmera externa, mostram os dois momentos: quando Andrade passa pelo local antes e depois de cometer o crime.

Concluída a reconstituição do assassinato, as duas filhas e um neto da vítima, que acompanharam do lado de fora da casa o processo, gritaram, xingaram e esmurraram a viatura na saída do local. Uma das filhas revelou ao EP Piracicaba que o rapaz era tido como "de confiança" pelo pai e que frequentava a casa de Andrade. “Ele participou de um churrasco no domingo. Bebeu cerveja com o pessoal”, disse ela, que não quis se identificar.

Mais jovem !

APara deixar a dentadura com uma aparência mais natural, uma secretária de 42 anos, que mora em Campo Grande, resolveu colocar um aparelho ortodôntico. Ela contou ao G1 que trabalha em um consultório dentário e que foi o seu próprio patrão quem fez o serviço. A ideia agradou outras pacientes que também quiseram aderir à “dentadura estilizada”.
O dentista afirmou que o artificio de caracterização melhorou a autoestima da funcionária. A secretária, que não quis ter o nome divulgado, afirmou que usa dentadura há vários anos para substituir os dentes superiores, mas que sempre teve vergonha de usar.
“Um dia eu vi o aparelho no consultório e pensei: bem que eu podia colocar um desses para disfarçar a dentadura. Então, eu perguntei para o meu patrão se dava para colocar o aparelho e ele respondeu que ia tentar. Fiquei muito feliz quando a vi pronta”, conta.
A secretária relatou ainda que a dentadura estilizada até mudou a aparência dela. “Eu fiquei mais jovem e até o meu rosto ficou mais vistoso.” Ela usou o acessório por aproximadamente um ano e deixou de usá-lo há poucos meses, quando trocou a dentadura por uma nova.
Além da dentadura, ela também colocou aparelho nos dentes inferiores, que são naturais. “Usava borrachinhas coloridas todo o mês. Quando tirei, as pessoas me perguntavam quanto tempo eu tinha usado aparelho. Elas nem perceberam que era uma dentadura”, brinca a secretária.
Sem restrições
Segundo o presidente do Conselho Regional de Odontologia de Mato Grosso do Sul (CRO-MS), Francisco Grilo, não existe nenhum tipo de impedimento para esse tipo de prática e procedimentos similares são até comuns nos consultórios odontológicos.
“O objetivo da odontologia, além da questão da saúde bucal do paciente, é melhorar a autoestima dele. Então, se ele quer deixar a prótese total que usa com ar mais natural, e pede para simular uma restauração de cárie ou mesmo deixar os dentes mais amarelados, como se tivessem sido afetados pelo fumo, isso é feito. É aplicada amálgama no caso da restauração e uma resina, no caso do fumo. É um truque, como no caso do aparelho”, explica.
O presidente do CRO-MS diz ainda que na odontologia esse tipo de procedimento nas próteses tem até um nome específico, caracterização de prótese total, e que existem, inclusive, profissionais da área se dedicando quase que exclusivamente para desenvolver novos produtos para tornar cada vez mais natural o aspecto das dentaduras. “Já existe até resina para a gengiva da prótese”, conclui Grilo.

Its A Bird...Its A Plane...Its a ___________!!!!

If you said a dogs teeth...then you are correct :)

Rihanna gets waxed!!!

Rihanna gets her third wax figure, this time in Germany. Dressed in “Who’s That Chick” music video outfit the statue looks just like the superstar.

Its A Bird...Its A Plane...Its a ___________!!!!

If you said a beetle you are correct :)

Steven Seagal Legal Threats Over Deadly COCKFIGHT RAID

The blood of a dead puppy is on Steven Seagal's hands ... this according to an Arizona man who claims the actor participated in a deadly police raid on his home back in March that was taped for a reality show.

Seagal, along with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, has been served with an official notice of claim from Jesus Sanchez Llovera -- who contends Seagal and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department performed an "unfounded" raid on his home because they believed Jesus was operating an illegal cockfighting farm.  Jesus denies the allegation -- insisting he only raises the roosters "for show."

Jesus claims Seagal arrived to his home on March 9 with a TANK -- and rammed into a gate on his property. Seagal was backed up by an MCSO Tactical Operations Unit -- armed in full riot gear -- which stormed the house. The entire incident was captured by a camera crew taping for Seagal's reality show, "Steven Seagal Lawman."

Jesus claims his 11-month old puppy was shot and killed during the raid -- and his home sustained "substantial damage." He also claims the cops killed more than 100 roosters that belonged to him.

The notice of claim is the first step towards a lawsuit -- and Jesus' lawyer tells us his client is demanding $100,000 for the damage and he wants Seagal to issue a "formal written apology" to his children "for the death of their 11-month old puppy, a beloved family pet."

We called both Seagal and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department for comment -- so far, no response.

Beyoncé's Pregnancy Sets New Twitter Record!

Who was the big winner at Sunday night's VMAs???
Beyoncé's baby bump, obviously!
The singer made the announcement during the pre-show and at the end of her performance of Love on Top by simply rubbing her belly.
This got all of Twitter buzzing with a record-setting
8,868 Tweets per second - more than Bin Laden's death, the Royal Wedding, and Japan's earthquake.
Whoa! That's crazy! Maybe Twitter should also have the honor of naming her baby when the little one arrives!! Any ideas what her baby's name should be??

Its A Bird...Its A Plane...Its a ___________!!!!

If you said its an Ostrich with out looking first...then your are right :)

Is This the Worst Dancing With the Stars Cast Ever?

So here’s the Dancing With The Stars 2011 cast:
Nancy Grace
Kristin Cavallari
Ricki Lake
Chynna Phillips
Hope Solis
Elizabetta Canalis
David Arquette
Rob Kardashian
Ryan O’Neal
J.R. Martinez
Chaz Bono
Ron Artest

Thoughts? I’m thinking Kristin Cavallari will go far and Nancy Grace will be the first to go, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Angelina Jolie Talks Brad Pitt, Secret Weddings and Rumored Pregnancy in Vanity Fair.

In the new issue of Vanity Fair, while ostensibly discussing her controversial (of course) writing and directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey.

answering all of our burning questions  :

"No," she answered simply, when asked if she and Brad were planning on tying the knot anytime soon. Anticipating the next questions, she also offered up the following preemptive denials: "I'm not pregnant. I'm not adopting at the moment."
Why do we get the feeling the only part of that denial tabloids will pick up on is the "at the moment" part?
So just in case those weren't enough nails pounded into the casket, Jolie offered up one more to the magazine, this one after yet more rumors of an impending vow swap made the online rounds.
"Not to worry," she wrote in an email to the mag. "No secret wedding. Xxx."
Oddly enough, given all the scrutiny Jolie faces, it's a surprising admission when she tells the magazine that it's her latest professional endeavor, and not her personal life, that is causing her the most grief.

Which Keeping Up With The Kardashians sister makes a better model...Kendall Jenner or Kim Kardashian?

Move over, Kim Kardashian, your little sister is so taking over the spotlight.
Keeping Up With the Kardashians' second youngest star, Kendall Jenner, looked stunning in a nearly backless, sparkly silver gown and voluminous, curly hair during a recent modeling shoot...

Mariah Carey Hurricane RUINS Secret 'X-Factor' Plans

Hurricane Irene is screwing with Simon Cowell's new show -- TMZ has learned Mariah Carey had to cancel a "very important" video shoot for "X-factor" because she couldn't travel ... and we're told it's thrown the show into "utter chaos."

Sources connected to the show tell us Mariah is in New York and was supposed to fly to meet Simon at a secret location to begin taping a special segment for the show in the last few days.

Cowell has stated in the past that Mariah has an important role on the show -- but he's not revealing any details.

Sources tell us ... producers are trying to figure out another way to get the footage they need for the show ... but so far, nothing is in the can.

Pregnant Beyonce...the pregnancy will not stop the MJ tribute.

Beyonce isn't going to let being pregnant get in the way of her October 8  MJ Tribute Concert gig -- TMZ has learned ... the mom-to-be still plans to bust out a song and dance for the King of Pop's tribute show.

Reps for the concert confirmed -- Beyonce is still slated to sing via satellite -- saying the "pregnancy will not affect her performance".

Beyonce is rumored to be nearing the 4 month mark in her pregnancy -- and if the rumors are true, she'll be a solid 5 months preggo when she performs her favorite Jackson 5 song for the concert.

Fun Preggo Fact: According to WebMD, women who were physically active before pregnancy should be good to continue with moderate exercise for the duration of the pregnancy ... as long as any potential "abdominal trauma" is avoided.

Kim Kardashian Mystery Buyer Wants Sex Tape OFF THE MARKET

Someone is looking to buy the rights to the Kim Kardashian sex tape from Vivid Entertainment ... claiming they're willing to pay big bucks to "completely remove it from the market."

TMZ has learned the mystery buyer has hired a lawyer in Tennessee -- who fired off a letter to Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch yesterday which reads, "I was approached by a private party who has asked us about looking into the possibility of acquiring all rights of the Vivid, 'Kim Kardashian Sex Tape.'"

The lawyer adds, "The party we represent does not intend to distribute or broadcast the 'tape,' but hopes to completely remove it from the market."

The buyer also wants to purchase all of the raw, unused footage (sex tape outtakes) that never made it to the DVD.

The lawyer never identifies his client -- but leaves a giant hint ... writing, "We would purchase any other footage you may have control of that involves Ms. Kardashian."

The lawyer NEVER mentions the other person in the tape -- Ray J.

Sources close to Kim wouldn't tell us if the reality star is the mystery buyer ... but did reveal that Kim has previously shown interest in buying the rights to the tape.

Video: Tom Cruise test drives Red Bull Racing F1 car

Red Bull invited Tom Cruise to take a break from production of his new movie, Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol, to pilot the Red Bull Racing F1 car through Southern California's 2.5-mile (4km) Willow Springs circuit.
He reached a top speed of 181 mph (291 km/h) - just 4 mph off the top speed of his instructor and 13-time Grand Prix winner, David Coulthard

Source: RedBull

Jenson Button ready for extra year with McLaren rather than hurrying into long-term deal

Jenson Button wants McLaren to activate the one-year option they have on his services for next year rather than rush into signing a new multi-year contract to stay with the team beyond 2012

While McLaren would prefer to sign Button to a long-term deal now, rather than risk losing him in 2013, it looks as if they will run out of time before next month’s deadline for activating the option.

Both parties are clearly keen for the partnership to continue, with Button describing the weekend just gone in Belgium — where he finished third after a mistake in qualifying caused him to start the race 13th — as “probably the best weekend I have had with the team”.

“All Martin [Whitmarsh, McLaren team principal] has got to do is say ‘yes’ and I will say ‘yes’ because I want to be here next year,” Button said. “I want to fight for the championship. I am more confident now, more than I’ve ever been here. The car I really like and the direction we’ve taken with the car.”

Although the exact date of the deadline is unknown, the window for such clauses traditionally falls in September around the end of the European season and the start of the races in the Far East.

The danger for McLaren is that, with Button tied down for just one more year, he may choose to look elsewhere should the team have another dreadful start like this year’s.

Red Bull’s Mark Webber is only contracted for 2012 and the Milton Keynes-based team, homing in on a second successive world championship double, are known admirers of Button.

Ferrari, for whom Felipe Massa will also be out of contract next year, are also keen on the 2009 world champion who, like a fine wine, is maturing with age.

It is, however, unlikely McLaren will be so far off the pace at the start of next season with the technical regulations for 2012 remaining much the same as 2011 and the car basically an evolution of this year’s machine which is now very competitive.

Telegraph Sport understands that the will on both sides is to agree a long-term deal which will suit both parties.

Button will seek to cut down the number of PR days and sponsorship activities he must perform — McLaren are known to work their drivers harder than any other team — while the team, whose business model is sponsor-driven, will seek to strike the right balance between his salary and their commercial revenues. Button is believed to earn around £6 million per year at present.

Lewis Hamilton, whose McLaren contract ends at the end of 2012, and who like Button objects to the amount of PR time he is contracted to, is negotiating along similar lines.

Meanwhile, Whitmarsh has assured McLaren fans the team will continue to push and try to win the remaining seven races this year — rather than throw all their resources into 2012 — despite Red Bull’s and Sebastian Vettel’s overwhelming lead in both championships.

“The fans expect it,” Whitmarsh said. “If Ferrari or particularly McLaren say that we are going to freewheel now then I don’t think that is the right message. The fans deserve a stronger battle than that. The championship looks pretty ambitious but we have got to be positive.

“You review that emphasis all the time of course. In Belgium we had six performance modifications on the car. One of those came out of the development programme for next years’ car.

“We are always going to try and steal things form next year’s car. It is not a line you draw saying this is purely this year and on the other side of that line it is purely next year. I want the car to be quicker for the next race and the race after that. We are going to keep pushing.”

Source: The Telegraph