People are sick. Vile and cruel and downright ridiculous.
There is a Facebook page out there with over 700 hundred "likes" that pledges if Justin Bieber steps foot in Peru, he will be killed!
The group is called “Matar a Justin Bieber el 17 de octubre en el Estadio Nacional.” Translation - Kill Justin Bieber on 17 October at the National Stadium, which is where Justin will be performing this month. Fans from around the world - and there are a hell of a lot more than 700 - are urging the pop star to avoid the event and stay sage. They've even started a hashtag that you might've seen in your trending topics list today: #BiebsStayOutOfPeru
Ladies, gentlemen - you can't live your life in fear. While we want nothing more than to have guaranteed assurance of Justin's safety, this is life. Angry, ignorant people will say and pledge to do angry, ignorant things. Do we then spend our whole lives fearing the worst? NO! You shouldn't, we shouldn't and neither should Justin.